3,214 Square Feet | Four Bedrooms | Four Baths

Chapel Hill
3,462 Square Feet | Four Bedrooms | Four Baths

Chapel Hill II
3,726 Square Feet | Five Bedrooms | Four and a Half Baths

3,703 Square Feet | Four Bedrooms | Four and a Half Bedrooms

3,920 Square Feet | Four to Five Bedrooms | Four Baths

3,549 Square Feet | Six Bedroom | Four baths

Kensington Park
2,640-3,200 Square Feet | Four Bedroom| Three Baths

Kensington Park Chateau
3,490 Square Feet | Five Bedrooms | Four and a half baths

Piedmont Park
3,466 Square Feet | Four to Five Bedrooms | Four Baths